Dinopulta - Stretchy and sticky dinosaurs
Dinopulta - Stretchy and sticky dinosaurs
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They are soft, smooth and elastic. You can play with them by aiming at a target, trying to keep them stuck together for as long as possible or having a war and shooting the dinosaurs at each other without risk of getting hurt.
TIP! The amount of time they stay stuck depends on how well they stick to the wall. If you manage to get one side of the dinosaur stuck, it can take several minutes for it to fall off.
Recommended for all ages (+3 years). The little ones may have a hard time throwing them with force when making the catapult, but they can play by throwing them directly in their normal form and they will still get hooked.
Pets (especially cats) go crazy when they see a new toy that gets stuck on the wall and suddenly falls off.
6 different dinosaur species, each measuring 9cm.
In the pack of 5 they are sent randomly, in the pack of 12 at least one of each species is sent.
They are made of flexible PVC, a resistant material that does not contain toxic elements and is hygienic and durable due to its ease of washing without losing its properties.
This allows them to be washed with water and, when dry, they are ready to be attached again to all surfaces.
- Packaging con menos cartón para reducir su uso y el tamaño del envío
La importancia de reducir el tiempo frente a pantallas
Perjudican a la vista
Demasiado tiempo de pantalla fuerza los globos oculares y puede crear/agravar problemas de vista, especialmente en niños.
La luz azul que emiten las pantallas es la causante, y es más peligrosa cuando la pantalla está cerca de los ojos.
Problemas de concentración
Gran parte del contenido que hay en redes (especialmente el hecho para niños) está pensado para lograr el mayor tiempo de consumo posible, lo que hace que se cree el hábito de pasar horas pasando de un vídeo a otro sin utilizar la creatividad.
Si el cerebro se acostumbra a recibir dopamina simplemente mirando a una pantalla, será cada vez más complicado entretenerse con cosas que requieran esfuerzo.
Menor calidad de sueño
El uso prolongado de pantallas durante el día mantiene el cerebro activo y dificulta que entre en "Modo descanso" y mantenerlo durante la noche (tanto en adultos como en niños).